Turbo-Expert offers, for the convenience of all our customers, the dismantling and installation of the turbocharger on all types of cars.
There are times when everyone wonders what to do when the turbocharger breaks down?
One of the biggest difficulties facing every future customer is the dismantling and installation of the turbocharger itself. Most, if not all, turbo services want you to personally take the already dismantled turbocharger to be recycled, and then take it yourself to install it on the car or have someone else install it, without knowing what the end result will be.

We have a proposal and solution for these problems:
- Who or where to install and dismantle the turbocharger of the car?
- Where to leave your car for a while while there is a problem and it is not in motion?
- Will the procedure for dismantling and installing the turbocharger be carried out correctly?
- Why carry the turbocharger for recycling yourself, since you do not have a car?!
- Will there be a guarantee IF another service has performed the installation work?
- With us, you DO NOT NEED to think about all this. Turbo-Expert will take care of everything, in the shortest possible time, in the most professional way because for us there is only one way and it is QUALITY. We have one of the most modern and fully equipped Auto Repair and Turbo Repair in Bulgaria and NOT only, a professional team, equipped, qualified and prepared for all types of auto repairs, all kinds of tools, professional diagnostic equipment at dealer level as well as 4 pieces of 4.5 ton lifts so that we can carry out the repair process as quickly as possible, because we know in this day and age how much you need your car. With us you can leave your car without worrying about anything because it is protected not just because it is with us but because we have a secure parking lot with 24 hour security, and then when you pick it up it will be completely repaired. This saves you the waste of nerves, waste valuable time and money, without taking any risks with garage masters and an unknown result.
Trust us and you will see for yourself the professionalism and quality we offer.