Vapor Wet Blast Cabinet

We at Turbo-Expert can PROUDLY say that we have a Vapor Wet Blast Cabinet and not one but two machines! This type of cleaning device is extremely effective in terms of the fact that unlike normal sandblasting, this type of device is not affected by any external conditions such as: whether the elements are oily, whether they are dirty, whether it is aluminum, whether it is metal, etc., and its biggest innovation is that it is extremely effective, precise and gentle on the materials it cleans. Unlike standard sandblasting, this type of machine does not remove MATERIAL from the elements that are being cleaned, and it may sound incredible, but it is a FACT. The problem is that this type of machine has prices starting from 10,000 euros and reaching over 25,000 euros and we can boldly DECLARE that in BULGARIA we are the only Company and Turbo Service that has not one but two machines.

Here comes the moment to say that the Machines are DESIGNED, DEVELOPED AND MANUFACTURED BY US HERE IN BULGARIA! You can always see them live and see for yourself their efficiency. Turbo-Expert as a brand and part of Genetic Motorsport Tm designed, developed and manufactured these wonderful and functional machines entirely here in Bulgaria, and all components were manufactured here, because our team of engineers wanted and managed to prove that Not only the German, Japanese, etc. machines, and the Bulgarian ones too, are WORLD-CLASS, we can confirm it because our machines are already being used at full capacity and, above all, with long-lasting components by many companies all over the world.

воден пясъкоструен апарата , водно бластиране , почистване турбокомпресор , профилактика турбо

Here we should also present what and why this type of cleaning device is better than the standard ones:

What is a Water Sandblasting device or the so-called Vapor Wet Blast or simply vaporization? Vapor vaporization, also known as wet blasting or liquid honing, has quickly entered and become the number 1 choice for applications requiring the highest quality surface finish when cleaning or finishing after processing. The Genetic Motorsport Tm Vapor Wet Blast range of water/wet blast cleaning machines use the process of blasting with steam/water, abrasive and air under pressure to simultaneously degrease, clean and perfect finish industrial components, of many different shapes and sizes.

Here you can see the difference before and after cleaning:

воден пясъкоструй , машина за водно бластиране , почистване на алуминиеви детайли , посчистване алумин , почистване турбо

The key to the steam/water, abrasive and air blasting process is that the coating is produced by the flow of abrasive carried by water under a certain pressure, which gives a finer coating due to the washing and softening action of the water. No medium is impregnated into the component, nor is there dust created by the disintegration of the media, unlike dry blasting, i.e. standard sandblasting, where the coating is produced by a strong impact force on the abrasive.

A specially designed and manufactured pump for us mixes the water and abrasive in the correct mixture and medium in a slurry, which is located in the machine. The slurry is fed to the manual blasting nozzle by this pump through connected hoses located inside the machine. The mixture is pumped at certain bar to the nozzle and compressed air is introduced at the entrance to the blast nozzle to accelerate the slurry and provide a cleaning effect on the part. After contact with the component the mixture is then drained back into the bore creating a recirculating system. Fine grit and other contaminants are fed via overflow to a sedimentation filter located at the rear of the cabinet.

The aggressiveness of dry grit and blasting is shown in the first TWO illustrations it attacks and cleans but at the same time removes material, here the severe 90° ricochet that occurs when using these methods is demonstrated.

    пясъкоструен апарат   пясъкоструене    воден пясъкоструй ,

Третата илюстрация показва нежния, но също толкова ефективен метод на Водният Пясъкоструен Апарат. Рикошетът на абразива е намален поради възглавничката от водата; ъгълът на носителя се променя, създавайки ефект на прилепване, пътуващ по повърхността, придава равномерно сатенено / полирано покритие.

Ето и Реални резултати :

почистване турбокомпресор , почистване части на турбо , ремонт турбо , профилактика турбо

Advantages of steam evaporation

  • Dust-free process
  • Cleans by water flow, not impact
  • Simultaneous degreasing and blast cleaning
  • Water acts as a lubricant between medium and component
  • Promotes longer media life
  • Produces a "softer" finish
  • Avoids media impregnation on soft materials

Typical applications

  • Degreasing / surface finishing of components in the automotive industry, restoration and maintenance
  • Cleaning of dies and molds
  • Removing paint, rust, scale, carbon and similar deposits in mechanical engineering
  • Surface preparation before bonding, repainting or recoating
  • Smooth and perfect finishing of stainless steels and other special materials
  • Cleaning of printed circuit boards and electrical connectors
  • Removing small tears from manufactured components

We at Turbo-Expert and Genetic Motorsport Tm are the only ones in Bulgaria with with such machines, and also the only ones that have our OWN production of Turbochargers and spare parts for them, we produce VSR Balance machines and Apparatus/ Vapor Wet Blast Cabinet and 2WD Dyno stands for measuring power, because we do not rely on other people and do not depend on other people and companies, and in this way we can GUARANTEE THE QUALITY that we offer you and that we put in, namely it must be the BEST and at the world level!